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Search Results for gloryhole

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She resisted as long as she could until her desires took over and she engulfed the cock in her mouth...  <\/span><br><\/p>","regular_post":{"id":130948,"post_id":161639,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1586997355_40297.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1586997356_40297.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1586997357_40297.gif\"]}","created_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","updated_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":41006,"user_id":40297,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"Carpe Diem\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/12ab556f1a14fa160b1e6718535df4b8guy-fawkes.jpg\",\"description\":null,\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2020-04-14 21:07:15","updated_at":"2020-04-15 10:09:58","author":{"id":40297,"email":"qwikguy@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$blNQgXL34MpnQSUU.eJt3eP\/lowmbRgvujvHZaR6qGYjAHYnsreGS","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2020-04-14 21:07:14","updated_at":"2020-04-14 21:07:42","username":"qwikguy","remember_token":"ABRr3FMvZyemnnultVroJkLB6ugScZ0Bk1rGktBPBxPCHdZDPtK8VoWXkxIt"}},"tags":[{"id":1763,"name":"taboo","created_at":"2019-01-07 17:36:01","updated_at":"2019-01-07 17:36:01","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":1763}},{"id":3788,"name":"publicsex","created_at":"2019-02-22 22:28:26","updated_at":"2019-02-22 22:28:26","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":3788}},{"id":461,"name":"blowjob","created_at":"2018-12-20 06:12:58","updated_at":"2018-12-20 06:12:58","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":461}},{"id":1738,"name":"gloryhole","created_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","updated_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":1738}},{"id":8968,"name":"resist","created_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","updated_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":8968}},{"id":8969,"name":"HornyBitch","created_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","updated_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":8969}}]}} {"id":52272,"post_id":308980,"original_post_id":161639,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2022-10-20 14:59:19","updated_at":"2022-10-20 14:59:19","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":161639,"type":"regular","search_index":"#taboo#public sex#blowjob#glory hole#resist#Horny Bitch","blog_id":41006,"created_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","updated_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<p><span style="font-family: Favorit, "Helvetica Neue", HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; white-space: pre-line;">Ana was not prepared for what was to come. She had gone into the booth to pray for a sign as to what she should do about her loneliness. As she opened her eyes she was greeted by the biggest cock she had ever seen. Not knowing what to do she protested but didn’t leave the booth. She resisted as long as she could until her desires took over and she engulfed the cock in her mouth...  <\/span><br><\/p>","regular_post":{"id":130948,"post_id":161639,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1586997355_40297.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1586997356_40297.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1586997357_40297.gif\"]}","created_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","updated_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":41006,"user_id":40297,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"Carpe Diem\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/12ab556f1a14fa160b1e6718535df4b8guy-fawkes.jpg\",\"description\":null,\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2020-04-14 21:07:15","updated_at":"2020-04-15 10:09:58","author":{"id":40297,"email":"qwikguy@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$blNQgXL34MpnQSUU.eJt3eP\/lowmbRgvujvHZaR6qGYjAHYnsreGS","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2020-04-14 21:07:14","updated_at":"2020-04-14 21:07:42","username":"qwikguy","remember_token":"ABRr3FMvZyemnnultVroJkLB6ugScZ0Bk1rGktBPBxPCHdZDPtK8VoWXkxIt"}},"tags":[{"id":1763,"name":"taboo","created_at":"2019-01-07 17:36:01","updated_at":"2019-01-07 17:36:01","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":1763}},{"id":3788,"name":"publicsex","created_at":"2019-02-22 22:28:26","updated_at":"2019-02-22 22:28:26","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":3788}},{"id":461,"name":"blowjob","created_at":"2018-12-20 06:12:58","updated_at":"2018-12-20 06:12:58","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":461}},{"id":1738,"name":"gloryhole","created_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","updated_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":1738}},{"id":8968,"name":"resist","created_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","updated_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":8968}},{"id":8969,"name":"HornyBitch","created_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","updated_at":"2020-04-15 18:35:58","pivot":{"post_id":161639,"tag_id":8969}}]}} {"id":50655,"post_id":295301,"original_post_id":59029,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2022-06-17 20:49:37","updated_at":"2022-06-17 20:49:37","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":59029,"type":"regular","search_index":"gloryhole","blog_id":20661,"created_at":"2019-05-28 17:20:40","updated_at":"2019-05-28 17:20:40","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<p>gloryholes ... nothing gets me off more<\/p>","regular_post":{"id":45808,"post_id":59029,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1559085639_20185.png\"]}","created_at":"2019-05-28 17:20:40","updated_at":"2019-05-28 17:20:40","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":20661,"user_id":20185,"name":"gloryholes","config":"{\"title\":\"gloryholes\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/0e3b6292b1e2e804e65a64f8c5e56b63Bildschirmfoto 2018-12-09 um 15.19.26.png\",\"description\":\"\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2019-05-28 17:19:41","updated_at":"2019-05-28 17:34:04","author":{"id":20185,"email":"cumversatile@yahoo.com","password":"$2y$10$FhOZ.G5vCfmSTWMklF4GRuO6wlAl.dSDKxEe2ZdkX1D2eoNeRqS\/q","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2019-05-28 16:37:35","updated_at":"2019-05-28 16:38:22","username":"cumversatile","remember_token":"ObG3xJf1SSQUp2ZKBJi9f4QVF7N1Hg96Mw5R5OpHwLnCUj1zVFeqD4X6sEEd"}},"tags":[{"id":1738,"name":"gloryhole","created_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","updated_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","pivot":{"post_id":59029,"tag_id":1738}}]}} {"id":49687,"post_id":290081,"original_post_id":224099,"type":"text","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2022-05-11 12:38:43","updated_at":"2022-05-11 12:38:43","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":224099,"type":"regular","search_index":"GLORY HOLE-,GLORYHOLE, ,BLOWJOBS, ,GAYEROTICA, ,BIGCOCKS, ,GAYCOCKSUCKING, ,COCKSUCKING","blog_id":59063,"created_at":"2021-02-11 04:12:28","updated_at":"2021-02-11 04:12:28","deleted_at":null,"caption":null,"regular_post":{"id":182550,"post_id":224099,"type":"text","content":"{\"title\":\"GLORY HOLE\",\"content\":\"Glory hole\\r\\n\\r\\nKneeling on the cum stained mattress, his throbbing member in his hand, Alex waited patiently for the next cock to appear through the fist sized hole that had been cut into the thin wooden walls of tiny little room deep in the bowels of the old dark building. All around the delicious sounds of sucking and moaning could be heard as men emptied their straining cocks into strangers' eager, greedy, thirsty mouths. His bearded face still wet from the previous loads he had consumed, he licked the cum from his lips and quietly jerked his huge thick Irish uncut cock, wondering what the next would look, smell and taste like? \\r\\n\\r\\nA rush of excitement and delight raced through his body as he heard the now familiar sound of the latch click open then shut from the other side of the wall. Footsteps.. the sound of a zipper being opened and jeans being pulled down strong hairy legs and then a hand appeared through the hole and an open bottle of poppers was offered to him to enjoy. Alex reached out and took the offering then put the bottle to his nostril and breathed deeply, the smell of the chemicals filling his head making his heart race wildly in his muscular hairy chest. What appeared through the hole, inch by inch, was the quite simply the biggest dick he had ever seen. His eyes widened and his mouth grew wet from saliva in preparation. At least 12" long and about 6" in girth, it was amazing! A work of art. It's owner, perhaps of Mediterranean extraction, was olive skinned and had a thick nest of dark curly hair at the base of his enormous weapon. His balls were shaved and perfectly round and clearly full of man juice. It was like all Alexander's Christmas' and birthdays had cum at once. \\r\\n\\r\\nDelirious with joy and anticipation he took a moment to admire this magnificent tool, this mighty rod of pleasure, before slowly running his wide long pink tongue around and around the man's full and sweaty balls, the salty taste and pungent, sweaty smell intoxicating. He had filled his belly that night with at least 15 loads from varying sized and shaped cocks, but this one he felt would produce more sweet juice than all the others put together. He lightly tickled the man's balls with his finger tips as he opened his cum stained lips and slowly took the shiny purple head into his mouth allowing it to rest for just a moment on his tongue before sucking it slowly all the way to the back of his throat and then relaxing allowed it to slide down further and further until, unable to breathe or think anymore, he finally had swallowed the full length deep into his throat. \\r\\n\\r\\nThe sheer size of the penis meant that he could only achieve this for a short time, he quite simply was unable to breathe with a cock of such magnitude and magnificence in his throat and so as he began to work on the stranger's mighty tool in a normal fashion he found that he could only accommodate three quarters of the shaft comfortably in his mouth, so he used his wet slippery hand to complete the fleshy tunnel of pleasure, determined to fully cover every delicious inch of the shaft and give it's owner the sensations and pleasure he deserved. He sucked down greedily, at the same time twisting his fist gently around and up and down the shaft, in a milking fashion. The man moaned with ecstasy from the other side of the wall and thrust his hips forward, pushing as much of his cock and balls through the opening as was possible in such a confined space. \\r\\n\\r\\nWhat did this man, this beast look like Alex wondered as he sucked up and down the throbbing shaft. He pictured the man's face in his mind. He would be handsome of course, perhaps with a chiselled jaw and dark stubble. His deep brown eyes like melted chocolate and his chest broad and muscular with dark round nipples and his arms strong and powerful. Perhaps he was a solider tired from many months at war and longing to empty his frustrated balls as much as possible before being called back to duty. Alex enjoyed letting his imagination run wild at the glory hole. Each time he visited this place, this cum factory, he would record how many loads he had received each night and always try to beat his own record. This would be number 16, the most he had ever swallowed. His jaw was growing tired but his lust burning like a fire inside of him gave him the determination to continue and to drain this monster of all it had. \\r\\n\\r\\nAlex slowed his movements, teasing just the head, tickling the balls, and running his tongue around and over the man's aching head, the taste of pre cum making his own cock bounce up and hit his muscled stomach. He paused for a moment, pulling away, allowing the man's dick to dance and bounce in the air before his face. Alex took out his phone, pressed the camera icon and ensured the flash was set to 'on' before talking a photo of the monster. He recorded all the cocks he drained. Later, back at home, he would review them. On his macbook was a folder labled “Cocks Drained at The Gloryhole”, and there must now be hundreds and hundreds of images in that folder, perhaps well over a thousand. He had been a busy boy and after all his teachers at school always said he had to be good at something. Turns out he was very good at this as every man he had ever sucked had rewarded him with a hot load. \\r\\n\\r\\nHe put his phone away and blew softly over the man's cock before teasing the shiny helmet with his tongue. Then taking his own member in his hands, he began jerking furiously, whilst resuming the job of milking this monster. His hand and mouth jerked, sucked and milked the beautiful glistening shaft and head and the man moaned loudly as a giant hot squirt of cum hit the back of Alex's throat. He continued to suck and drain the man as his cock pumped out more and more cum. \\r\\n\\r\\nPumping his long, thick, hard shaft Alex moaned loudly, the stranger's cock still in his mouth, as his own cum began to shoot out of his helmet covering the wall in front of where he knelt. His whole body shook and he pressed his hands against the wall taking the man's cock deep into his throat one last time. He swallowed all that remained in his mouth and licked his lips smiling to himself. \\r\\n\\r\\nOn the other side of the thin wall the man moaned and cried out “Fuck Me you are amazing”.. This was music to Alex's ears and he continued to suck the man until his cock eventually began to grow less hard in his mouth. Slowly the monster, now emptied of it's precious cargo, was withdrawn from Alex's lips. \\r\\n\\r\\nThe man quietly withdrew, pulled up his jeans and left the room on the other side of the wall and once again there was an empty hole....\"}","created_at":"2021-02-11 04:12:28","updated_at":"2021-02-11 04:12:28","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":59063,"user_id":58188,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"MASTER ALEXANDER WEST\",\"picture\":\"images\\\/default_avatar.png\",\"description\":\"Hi guys, Alexander here. You can find me on Onlyfans - www.onlyfans.com\\\/alexwest2021 where there are lots of horny photos and videos, also I am a writer and I read my horny stories for you, talk dirty and record sounds of me jerking off with my fleshlight. Join today for only $4.99 per month.\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2021-02-11 04:09:20","updated_at":"2021-02-11 04:26:20","author":{"id":58188,"email":"theirishlion2022@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$GD\/IOHBZTq5ChPjscwDtsuBD\/QH5UOKhjmlq6CUWkeGYRTQQb.DIe","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2021-02-11 04:09:19","updated_at":"2021-02-11 04:10:02","username":"alexwest2021","remember_token":null}},"tags":[{"id":1738,"name":"gloryhole","created_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","updated_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","pivot":{"post_id":224099,"tag_id":1738}},{"id":1243,"name":"blowjobs","created_at":"2019-01-02 00:33:28","updated_at":"2019-01-02 00:33:28","pivot":{"post_id":224099,"tag_id":1243}},{"id":2134,"name":"gayerotica","created_at":"2019-01-12 15:23:29","updated_at":"2019-01-12 15:23:29","pivot":{"post_id":224099,"tag_id":2134}},{"id":6610,"name":"bigcocks","created_at":"2019-06-24 10:06:14","updated_at":"2019-06-24 10:06:14","pivot":{"post_id":224099,"tag_id":6610}},{"id":10723,"name":"GAYCOCKSUCKING","created_at":"2021-02-11 04:12:28","updated_at":"2021-02-11 04:12:28","pivot":{"post_id":224099,"tag_id":10723}},{"id":1737,"name":"cocksucking","created_at":"2019-01-07 12:06:18","updated_at":"2019-01-07 12:06:18","pivot":{"post_id":224099,"tag_id":1737}}]}} {"id":49243,"post_id":288275,"original_post_id":68040,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2022-04-28 19:22:58","updated_at":"2022-04-28 19:22:58","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":68040,"type":"regular","search_index":"#gay#blowjob#gloryhole#cumming","blog_id":15291,"created_at":"2019-06-19 12:05:47","updated_at":"2019-06-19 12:05:47","deleted_at":null,"caption":"","regular_post":{"id":53381,"post_id":68040,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1560967546_14919.gif\"]}","created_at":"2019-06-19 12:05:47","updated_at":"2019-06-19 12:05:47","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":15291,"user_id":14919,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"The Morning Male\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/925ed4bd30611e539ab5448cc20f77baMailman.png\",\"description\":\"Moving my blog here from \\\"that other\\\" site. 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Glory hole Kneeling on the cum stained mattress, his throbbing member in his hand, Alex waited patiently for the next cock to appear through the fist sized hole that had been cut into the thin wooden walls of tiny little room deep in the bowels of the old dark building. All around the delicious sounds of sucking and moaning could be heard as men emptied their straining cocks into strangers' eager, greedy, thirsty mouths. His bearded face still wet from the previous loads he had consumed, he licked the cum from his lips and quietly jerked his huge thick Irish uncut cock, wondering what the next would look, smell and taste like? A rush of excitement and delight raced through his body as he heard the now familiar sound of the latch click open then shut from the other side of the wall. Footsteps.. the sound of a zipper being opened and jeans being pulled down strong hairy legs and then a hand appeared through the hole and an open bottle of poppers was offered to him to enjoy. Alex reached out and took the offering then put the bottle to his nostril and breathed deeply, the smell of the chemicals filling his head making his heart race wildly in his muscular hairy chest. What appeared through the hole, inch by inch, was the quite simply the biggest dick he had ever seen. His eyes widened and his mouth grew wet from saliva in preparation. At least 12" long and about 6" in girth, it was amazing! A work of art. It's owner, perhaps of Mediterranean extraction, was olive skinned and had a thick nest of dark curly hair at the base of his enormous weapon. His balls were shaved and perfectly round and clearly full of man juice. It was like all Alexander's Christmas' and birthdays had cum at once. Delirious with joy and anticipation he took a moment to admire this magnificent tool, this mighty rod of pleasure, before slowly running his wide long pink tongue around and around the man's full and sweaty balls, the salty taste and pungent, sweaty smell intoxicating. He had filled his belly that night with at least 15 loads from varying sized and shaped cocks, but this one he felt would produce more sweet juice than all the others put together. He lightly tickled the man's balls with his finger tips as he opened his cum stained lips and slowly took the shiny purple head into his mouth allowing it to rest for just a moment on his tongue before sucking it slowly all the way to the back of his throat and then relaxing allowed it to slide down further and further until, unable to breathe or think anymore, he finally had swallowed the full length deep into his throat. The sheer size of the penis meant that he could only achieve this for a short time, he quite simply was unable to breathe with a cock of such magnitude and magnificence in his throat and so as he began to work on the stranger's mighty tool in a normal fashion he found that he could only accommodate three quarters of the shaft comfortably in his mouth, so he used his wet slippery hand to complete the fleshy tunnel of pleasure, determined to fully cover every delicious inch of the shaft and give it's owner the sensations and pleasure he deserved. He sucked down greedily, at the same time twisting his fist gently around and up and down the shaft, in a milking fashion. The man moaned with ecstasy from the other side of the wall and thrust his hips forward, pushing as much of his cock and balls through the opening as was possible in such a confined space. What did this man, this beast look like Alex wondered as he sucked up and down the throbbing shaft. He pictured the man's face in his mind. He would be handsome of course, perhaps with a chiselled jaw and dark stubble. His deep brown eyes like melted chocolate and his chest broad and muscular with dark round nipples and his arms strong and powerful. Perhaps he was a solider tired from many months at war and longing to empty his frustrated balls as much as possible before being called back to duty. Alex enjoyed letting his imagination run wild at the glory hole. Each time he visited this place, this cum factory, he would record how many loads he had received each night and always try to beat his own record. This would be number 16, the most he had ever swallowed. His jaw was growing tired but his lust burning like a fire inside of him gave him the determination to continue and to drain this monster of all it had. Alex slowed his movements, teasing just the head, tickling the balls, and running his tongue around and over the man's aching head, the taste of pre cum making his own cock bounce up and hit his muscled stomach. He paused for a moment, pulling away, allowing the man's dick to dance and bounce in the air before his face. Alex took out his phone, pressed the camera icon and ensured the flash was set to 'on' before talking a photo of the monster. He recorded all the cocks he drained. Later, back at home, he would review them. On his macbook was a folder labled “Cocks Drained at The Gloryhole”, and there must now be hundreds and hundreds of images in that folder, perhaps well over a thousand. He had been a busy boy and after all his teachers at school always said he had to be good at something. Turns out he was very good at this as every man he had ever sucked had rewarded him with a hot load. He put his phone away and blew softly over the man's cock before teasing the shiny helmet with his tongue. Then taking his own member in his hands, he began jerking furiously, whilst resuming the job of milking this monster. His hand and mouth jerked, sucked and milked the beautiful glistening shaft and head and the man moaned loudly as a giant hot squirt of cum hit the back of Alex's throat. He continued to suck and drain the man as his cock pumped out more and more cum. Pumping his long, thick, hard shaft Alex moaned loudly, the stranger's cock still in his mouth, as his own cum began to shoot out of his helmet covering the wall in front of where he knelt. His whole body shook and he pressed his hands against the wall taking the man's cock deep into his throat one last time. He swallowed all that remained in his mouth and licked his lips smiling to himself. On the other side of the thin wall the man moaned and cried out “Fuck Me you are amazing”.. This was music to Alex's ears and he continued to suck the man until his cock eventually began to grow less hard in his mouth. Slowly the monster, now emptied of it's precious cargo, was withdrawn from Alex's lips. The man quietly withdrew, pulled up his jeans and left the room on the other side of the wall and once again there was an empty hole....
{"id":39100,"post_id":211036,"original_post_id":184718,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2020-11-30 15:48:33","updated_at":"2020-11-30 15:48:33","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":184718,"type":"regular","search_index":"incest #father #son #cock #suck #cum #blowjob #gloryhole","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2020-08-15 12:32:48","updated_at":"2020-08-15 12:32:48","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<div class="post_part part_remark" type="8"><div class="post_article"><p><b>I’d\r\n been bringing my son along with me when I go to the holes to get some \r\ncock for several years now. He said he liked to watch me bob and \r\nswallow. <\/b><\/p><p>And then this past year, he asked if he could handle and\r\n fondle my cock while I was bobbing on the knobs coming through the \r\nhole. Why the fuck not I said! Sounds good to me, and it was. I'd be \r\nable to end my sessions blasting out a hot load while he stroked me on. \r\nAnd that's just what we did. I found it fucking hot and sexy as you can \r\nimagine.<\/p><p>Well from that action, not too long later he said he \r\nwanted to suck on my cock while I was sucking at the hole. Again, why \r\nthe fuck not I said and agreed to let him. So he tried it, but he \r\nwasn’t very good at it so I decided he really needed some guidance and \r\npractice at his technique if he was gonna continue, and I was gonna \r\nenjoy it. <\/p><p>So here I am giving him pointers as he sucks his first \r\nanonymous cock which came though the hole today. And wouldn’t you know \r\nit would be a real fat monster fucker! Damn, I would have liked to have \r\nthat, but since this was his time and his show now, I'm giving him \r\npointers and I’m telling him how to breath so he can keep sucking. And \r\ntelling him how to get that fat fucker in deeper past his gag spot so he\r\n can really deep throat it….as much as was possible with that monster. \r\nHe must have been pretty good even though inexperienced, and I'll bet \r\nhis throat was nice and tight, because he was good enough for the cock’s\r\n owner, and not even ten minutes into the suck that fat monster hog \r\nsuddenly swelled even fatter (I saw my son's eyes start watering!) and \r\nthat big hog began filling my son’s mouth with it’s hot load of cream. \r\nAnd it was a huge load to match the huge cock. The boy choked a couple \r\nof times, blew some out his nostrils, gave a couple of gags, but he \r\nnever heaved and he did swallow most of it. Of course with the fat cock \r\nand the huge load, quite a bit of the guy's hot cum squirted out and \r\ndripped down my son's chin and onto his shirt. It got me so hot to see \r\nmy boy sucking off such a big cock, that as soon as the monster cock receded into the hole, I stuck my cock at my son's lips, and he eagerly\r\n opened up and took my hot load on top of what he's already swallowed \r\nfrom the other cock.<\/p><p>It was a real great day, and we're coming here next week to do it all over again!<\/p><p><br><\/p><\/div><\/div><br>","regular_post":{"id":150795,"post_id":184718,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1597516367_125.jpg\"]}","created_at":"2020-08-15 12:32:48","updated_at":"2020-08-15 12:32:48","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":511}},{"id":2298,"name":"father","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":2298}},{"id":2299,"name":"son","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":2299}},{"id":100,"name":"cock","created_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":100}},{"id":1067,"name":"suck","created_at":"2018-12-31 14:50:07","updated_at":"2018-12-31 14:50:07","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":1067}},{"id":349,"name":"cum","created_at":"2018-12-19 11:38:12","updated_at":"2018-12-19 11:38:12","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":349}},{"id":461,"name":"blowjob","created_at":"2018-12-20 06:12:58","updated_at":"2018-12-20 06:12:58","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":461}},{"id":1738,"name":"gloryhole","created_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","updated_at":"2019-01-07 12:11:34","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":1738}}]}} {"id":33495,"post_id":184776,"original_post_id":184718,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2020-08-15 23:41:50","updated_at":"2020-08-15 23:41:50","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":184718,"type":"regular","search_index":"incest #father #son #cock #suck #cum #blowjob #gloryhole","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2020-08-15 12:32:48","updated_at":"2020-08-15 12:32:48","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<div class="post_part part_remark" type="8"><div class="post_article"><p><b>I’d\r\n been bringing my son along with me when I go to the holes to get some \r\ncock for several years now. He said he liked to watch me bob and \r\nswallow. <\/b><\/p><p>And then this past year, he asked if he could handle and\r\n fondle my cock while I was bobbing on the knobs coming through the \r\nhole. Why the fuck not I said! Sounds good to me, and it was. I'd be \r\nable to end my sessions blasting out a hot load while he stroked me on. \r\nAnd that's just what we did. I found it fucking hot and sexy as you can \r\nimagine.<\/p><p>Well from that action, not too long later he said he \r\nwanted to suck on my cock while I was sucking at the hole. Again, why \r\nthe fuck not I said and agreed to let him. So he tried it, but he \r\nwasn’t very good at it so I decided he really needed some guidance and \r\npractice at his technique if he was gonna continue, and I was gonna \r\nenjoy it. <\/p><p>So here I am giving him pointers as he sucks his first \r\nanonymous cock which came though the hole today. And wouldn’t you know \r\nit would be a real fat monster fucker! Damn, I would have liked to have \r\nthat, but since this was his time and his show now, I'm giving him \r\npointers and I’m telling him how to breath so he can keep sucking. And \r\ntelling him how to get that fat fucker in deeper past his gag spot so he\r\n can really deep throat it….as much as was possible with that monster. \r\nHe must have been pretty good even though inexperienced, and I'll bet \r\nhis throat was nice and tight, because he was good enough for the cock’s\r\n owner, and not even ten minutes into the suck that fat monster hog \r\nsuddenly swelled even fatter (I saw my son's eyes start watering!) and \r\nthat big hog began filling my son’s mouth with it’s hot load of cream. \r\nAnd it was a huge load to match the huge cock. The boy choked a couple \r\nof times, blew some out his nostrils, gave a couple of gags, but he \r\nnever heaved and he did swallow most of it. Of course with the fat cock \r\nand the huge load, quite a bit of the guy's hot cum squirted out and \r\ndripped down my son's chin and onto his shirt. It got me so hot to see \r\nmy boy sucking off such a big cock, that as soon as the monster cock receded into the hole, I stuck my cock at my son's lips, and he eagerly\r\n opened up and took my hot load on top of what he's already swallowed \r\nfrom the other cock.<\/p><p>It was a real great day, and we're coming here next week to do it all over again!<\/p><p><br><\/p><\/div><\/div><br>","regular_post":{"id":150795,"post_id":184718,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1597516367_125.jpg\"]}","created_at":"2020-08-15 12:32:48","updated_at":"2020-08-15 12:32:48","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":511}},{"id":2298,"name":"father","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":184718,"tag_id":2298}},{"id":2299,"name":"son","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 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Most pics found on web or via re-blog. Professional photographer, so some are original photographs from the beach, sporting events, and artistic. Feel free to re-blog pics you like to get Xstumbl going! I follow back. 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