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Search Results for ElloRefugee

Stumbling Into xstumbl
Well, here I am at yet another site that promises to be a good home for posting pornography. Will it come to pass? I'm not so certain. This place along with Swarmr and some others seem to have just bought the basic coding for $89 from tumblerclone.com. Are the people behind this site capable of doing their own programming and keeping it all secure? Will they find themselves distracted or even attacked for publicly dissing rival Cumblr that is still in development and promising to do its own coding? We shall see. Until more is revealed about this and all the other alternatives, I don't see how it hurts to start doing some posting here. xstumbl has certainly set itself apart by writing a very clear Terms of Service document where the only extra item disallowed besides things that are universally against the law is the depiction of illegal drug use. Of course, that could be interesting as well. I'm all for free speech but, then again, I'm not sure I want to hang out in a place that becomes like Minds.com where the insane claims of the alt-right and antifa crowds can run amok. Again, we shall see. That's enough of that for now. Until the next necessary text post, on with the porn!