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Search Results for step-father

{"id":62551,"post_id":365058,"original_post_id":127267,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2023-12-10 17:35:19","updated_at":"2023-12-10 17:35:19","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":127267,"type":"regular","search_index":"incest #step-father #son #fuck #ass #secret #caught","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","updated_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<p><b>He always gave me a leering look that gave me butterflies in my tummy\r\n and he made me very nervous.<\/b> But I found out why that very first time \r\nthat Mama had to go out of town to care for Gram who got sick. That left\r\n me home with my big step-father, Winston. Winston promised Mama that \r\nhe'd take care of me while she was gone out of town. <b><i>Little did Mama \r\nknow what Winston's idea of taking care of me was! <\/i><\/b><br><\/p><p>Mama \r\nhadn't even been gone thirty minutes when Winston started acting \r\nstrangely friendly to me. I got quite nervous. But Winston knew what he \r\nwanted and he just kept on planning it out. <b>I still can't recall how he \r\ngot me naked on Mama's bed, and how he got his big cock to fit inside my\r\n little asshole, but I gradually came to realize that I was being \r\nroyally fucked up my ass by Winston my step-father! <\/b><i>He was grunting and \r\nmoaning and sawing his cock in and out of me to beat the band<\/i>. As I came\r\n more to consciousness, Winston realized I was back in reality, and he \r\nbegan saying sexy and dirty things to me, about my "pussy" and how his \r\nbig cock was loving banging me, and how my ass is the reason why he \r\nmarried Mama in the first place. Winston said he got one look at my \r\nsweet pink butt, and he just knew there would be a nice tight hole in \r\nthere for him to stretch and fuck. And man did he fuck! I don't know how\r\n long I was unconscious when he first started, but after I came to, he \r\nkept on fucking me for over an hour, and non stop. My pussy, as he liked\r\n to call my asshole, was burning hot from the friction and giving me \r\nwild sensations. Winston said he was gonna fuck me forever. And I began \r\nto believe it. During those five days when we were first alone, I swear \r\nWinston had his cock inside my butt almost 24\/7! I quickly lost count of\r\n how many times I got fucked by him, because he'd fuck, and shoot his \r\ncum, and keep right on fucking until he'd shoot off his cum again, and \r\nover and over, he'd do it to me.<\/p><p>Most of the time, I'd fall \r\nasleep, exhausted but would wake up to feel Winston's cock sawing away \r\nin my hole again. <b>He was like a crazed horny animal, and couldn't get \r\nenough of fucking me! <\/b><i>The kicker was that when Mama got back home, and \r\nso he couldn't be fucking me non-stop, I began to miss it, and miss it \r\nbad. <\/i>So I'd sneak around and try to get Winston to fuck me. Out back of \r\nthe house, in the garage, down in the basement, off in the woods, on \r\ntrips to the store, in the car, on the side of the road, wherever I \r\ncould steal ten minutes and get Winston's cock up inside me again. Mama \r\nwas real pleased at how well I got along with Winston and he with me. So\r\n much so that she thought nothing of going off for a few days to visit \r\nher mother, or some friends. And me and Winston just loved it when she'd\r\n go away for any overnights! We'd be humping and fucking like crazed \r\nhorny animals all the time. And we'd just do it wherever we were, all \r\nover the house, and even outside in the yard, away from the street. <br><\/p><p><i><b>Of\r\n course we got more and more careless, taking chances we shouldn't have,\r\n and sure enough, one day Mama walked in while Winston's cock was sawing\r\n madly into my asshole.<\/b><\/i> Everyone freaked out a bit, but the best thing \r\nwas that Winston only stopped thrusting for a split second, before he \r\njust went at my hole again, saying to Mama:<i> "Well now you know woman! Me\r\n and this pretty little thing have got it going on, and we ain't gonna \r\nstop. We been at it for a couple of years, and you know I've been \r\nkeeping you satisfied too, so it's up to you if you wanna let it be, or \r\nbust us all up." <\/i>I could tell Mama was mad, maybe hurt, maybe jealous, \r\nbut what she did made me proud of her. She came right up to my face, and\r\n all the while Winston kept on sawing his cock in and out of my asshole,\r\n she grabbed my chin and looked me in the eyes, and she asked me:<i> "Did \r\nhe force you honey? Do you want to keep taking his cock up inside you? \r\nDo you want me to let it be?" <\/i>And I just squealed out with joy: <i>"Oh yes \r\nMama, I love having Winston's big cock fuck my asshole and I don't ever \r\nwant him to stop!"<\/i><\/p>And so that's the way it is now. Winston keeps \r\nMama satisfied, and how he does it I can't imagine, but he keeps right \r\non fucking me too, many times a day. So we three are one fucking happy \r\nfamily trio!","regular_post":{"id":102758,"post_id":127267,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1576556342_125.gif\"]}","created_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","updated_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":511}},{"id":8020,"name":"step-father","created_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","updated_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":8020}},{"id":2299,"name":"son","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":2299}},{"id":286,"name":"fuck","created_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","updated_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":286}},{"id":179,"name":"ass","created_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":179}},{"id":2682,"name":"secret","created_at":"2019-01-23 13:06:24","updated_at":"2019-01-23 13:06:24","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":2682}},{"id":972,"name":"caught","created_at":"2018-12-29 05:20:16","updated_at":"2018-12-29 05:20:16","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":972}}]}} {"id":47892,"post_id":278793,"original_post_id":127267,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2022-02-14 02:06:24","updated_at":"2022-02-14 02:06:24","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":127267,"type":"regular","search_index":"incest #step-father #son #fuck #ass #secret #caught","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","updated_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<p><b>He always gave me a leering look that gave me butterflies in my tummy\r\n and he made me very nervous.<\/b> But I found out why that very first time \r\nthat Mama had to go out of town to care for Gram who got sick. That left\r\n me home with my big step-father, Winston. Winston promised Mama that \r\nhe'd take care of me while she was gone out of town. <b><i>Little did Mama \r\nknow what Winston's idea of taking care of me was! <\/i><\/b><br><\/p><p>Mama \r\nhadn't even been gone thirty minutes when Winston started acting \r\nstrangely friendly to me. I got quite nervous. But Winston knew what he \r\nwanted and he just kept on planning it out. <b>I still can't recall how he \r\ngot me naked on Mama's bed, and how he got his big cock to fit inside my\r\n little asshole, but I gradually came to realize that I was being \r\nroyally fucked up my ass by Winston my step-father! <\/b><i>He was grunting and \r\nmoaning and sawing his cock in and out of me to beat the band<\/i>. As I came\r\n more to consciousness, Winston realized I was back in reality, and he \r\nbegan saying sexy and dirty things to me, about my "pussy" and how his \r\nbig cock was loving banging me, and how my ass is the reason why he \r\nmarried Mama in the first place. Winston said he got one look at my \r\nsweet pink butt, and he just knew there would be a nice tight hole in \r\nthere for him to stretch and fuck. And man did he fuck! I don't know how\r\n long I was unconscious when he first started, but after I came to, he \r\nkept on fucking me for over an hour, and non stop. My pussy, as he liked\r\n to call my asshole, was burning hot from the friction and giving me \r\nwild sensations. Winston said he was gonna fuck me forever. And I began \r\nto believe it. During those five days when we were first alone, I swear \r\nWinston had his cock inside my butt almost 24\/7! I quickly lost count of\r\n how many times I got fucked by him, because he'd fuck, and shoot his \r\ncum, and keep right on fucking until he'd shoot off his cum again, and \r\nover and over, he'd do it to me.<\/p><p>Most of the time, I'd fall \r\nasleep, exhausted but would wake up to feel Winston's cock sawing away \r\nin my hole again. <b>He was like a crazed horny animal, and couldn't get \r\nenough of fucking me! <\/b><i>The kicker was that when Mama got back home, and \r\nso he couldn't be fucking me non-stop, I began to miss it, and miss it \r\nbad. <\/i>So I'd sneak around and try to get Winston to fuck me. Out back of \r\nthe house, in the garage, down in the basement, off in the woods, on \r\ntrips to the store, in the car, on the side of the road, wherever I \r\ncould steal ten minutes and get Winston's cock up inside me again. Mama \r\nwas real pleased at how well I got along with Winston and he with me. So\r\n much so that she thought nothing of going off for a few days to visit \r\nher mother, or some friends. And me and Winston just loved it when she'd\r\n go away for any overnights! We'd be humping and fucking like crazed \r\nhorny animals all the time. And we'd just do it wherever we were, all \r\nover the house, and even outside in the yard, away from the street. <br><\/p><p><i><b>Of\r\n course we got more and more careless, taking chances we shouldn't have,\r\n and sure enough, one day Mama walked in while Winston's cock was sawing\r\n madly into my asshole.<\/b><\/i> Everyone freaked out a bit, but the best thing \r\nwas that Winston only stopped thrusting for a split second, before he \r\njust went at my hole again, saying to Mama:<i> "Well now you know woman! Me\r\n and this pretty little thing have got it going on, and we ain't gonna \r\nstop. We been at it for a couple of years, and you know I've been \r\nkeeping you satisfied too, so it's up to you if you wanna let it be, or \r\nbust us all up." <\/i>I could tell Mama was mad, maybe hurt, maybe jealous, \r\nbut what she did made me proud of her. She came right up to my face, and\r\n all the while Winston kept on sawing his cock in and out of my asshole,\r\n she grabbed my chin and looked me in the eyes, and she asked me:<i> "Did \r\nhe force you honey? Do you want to keep taking his cock up inside you? \r\nDo you want me to let it be?" <\/i>And I just squealed out with joy: <i>"Oh yes \r\nMama, I love having Winston's big cock fuck my asshole and I don't ever \r\nwant him to stop!"<\/i><\/p>And so that's the way it is now. Winston keeps \r\nMama satisfied, and how he does it I can't imagine, but he keeps right \r\non fucking me too, many times a day. So we three are one fucking happy \r\nfamily trio!","regular_post":{"id":102758,"post_id":127267,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1576556342_125.gif\"]}","created_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","updated_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":511}},{"id":8020,"name":"step-father","created_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","updated_at":"2019-12-16 22:19:03","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":8020}},{"id":2299,"name":"son","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":2299}},{"id":286,"name":"fuck","created_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","updated_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":286}},{"id":179,"name":"ass","created_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":179}},{"id":2682,"name":"secret","created_at":"2019-01-23 13:06:24","updated_at":"2019-01-23 13:06:24","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":2682}},{"id":972,"name":"caught","created_at":"2018-12-29 05:20:16","updated_at":"2018-12-29 05:20:16","pivot":{"post_id":127267,"tag_id":972}}]}}