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Search Results for uncle

{"id":52199,"post_id":308593,"original_post_id":184873,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2022-10-17 15:47:41","updated_at":"2022-10-17 15:47:41","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":184873,"type":"regular","search_index":"incest #incest #uncle #nephew","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2020-08-16 23:11:46","updated_at":"2020-08-16 23:11:46","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<p><b>My father doesn’t know it yet, but I’ve been spending a lot \r\nof time at his brothers' house.<\/b>  <\/p><p> Uncle Andy and Uncle Rodney are \r\nDaddy’s brothers, and we all get together at Uncle Andy’s house. I think\r\n I’m their favorite nephew, and they sure are my favorite uncles! We \r\nhave such fun together, and do such wild things! They’ve taught me a lot\r\n about what men can do for each other when they are all alone. And \r\nthey’ve let me try anything I want! I asked them if they thought we \r\nshould invite Daddy to join us, but they seem to think he wouldn’t \r\napprove of our fun.\r\n \r\n <\/p>","regular_post":{"id":150940,"post_id":184873,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1597641105_125.jpg\"]}","created_at":"2020-08-16 23:11:47","updated_at":"2020-08-16 23:11:47","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":184873,"tag_id":511}},{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":184873,"tag_id":511}},{"id":2700,"name":"uncle","created_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","updated_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","pivot":{"post_id":184873,"tag_id":2700}},{"id":2644,"name":"nephew","created_at":"2019-01-23 01:11:44","updated_at":"2019-01-23 01:11:44","pivot":{"post_id":184873,"tag_id":2644}}]}} {"id":47898,"post_id":278799,"original_post_id":83935,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2022-02-14 03:06:30","updated_at":"2022-02-14 03:06:30","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":83935,"type":"regular","search_index":"Incest #dad #son #fuck #ass #uncle","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2019-07-27 21:02:04","updated_at":"2019-07-27 21:02:04","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<p><b>Dad and I were fucking downstairs in his office when my Uncle Roger suddenly opened the door and came in. <\/b><i>Mom had told him we were “working” downstairs and she sent him down. <\/i>When\r\n he opened the door both Dad and I had a moment of sharp panic as we \r\nfeared it might have been Mom walking in on us! We always lock the door \r\nto prevent that happening, but for some reason we forgot that today. \r\nUncle Roger didn’t bat an eye at what he walked in on……he just started \r\nstripping off his clothes! And then he sidled up to Dad and said: “Move \r\nover Ben, I’m getting some of that hot pussy too!” And Dad just stepped \r\naway and Uncle Roger drove his dick right up my cunt in one fast move! I\r\n yelped at the shock of it, but then quickly began purring as his big \r\nfat cock began to stroke my love button. And from that day on, Uncle \r\nRoger began to spend a lot of time at our house, and he and Daddy played\r\n “switch hit” with my pussy!<\/p>","regular_post":{"id":67221,"post_id":83935,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1564282920_125.gif\"]}","created_at":"2019-07-27 21:02:04","updated_at":"2019-07-27 21:02:04","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":83935,"tag_id":511}},{"id":955,"name":"dad","created_at":"2018-12-28 21:12:13","updated_at":"2018-12-28 21:12:13","pivot":{"post_id":83935,"tag_id":955}},{"id":2299,"name":"son","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":83935,"tag_id":2299}},{"id":286,"name":"fuck","created_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","updated_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","pivot":{"post_id":83935,"tag_id":286}},{"id":179,"name":"ass","created_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","pivot":{"post_id":83935,"tag_id":179}},{"id":2700,"name":"uncle","created_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","updated_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","pivot":{"post_id":83935,"tag_id":2700}}]}} {"id":23680,"post_id":123377,"original_post_id":29526,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2019-12-01 23:45:11","updated_at":"2019-12-01 23:45:11","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":29526,"type":"regular","search_index":"incest #father #son #uncle #cousin #fuck #suck #cock","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","updated_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<div class="singlecommentline" id="p95465"> <p><b>Mama said her brother Larry wanted me to go out west and spend some time with him and my cousin Timmy.<\/b> She said it would be nice for me to get to know my cousin, and spend some quality time with my Uncle Larry. So I went.<\/p><p>They\r\n met me at the station and both of them were real excited to see me. I'd\r\n met them when I was lots younger but hadn't seen them for years.<\/p><p><b>Wow! What a shock I got!<\/b> <i>Before\r\n I even unpacked they both told me that they had something special and \r\nsecret for me and they hoped I'd like it. And then they told me that \r\nthey had sex with each other all the time and they wanted me to join \r\nthem. <\/i><b>Wow, was I shocked!<\/b> But whether they knew it or not, I was secretly a queer, so I got hot for it right away, and said <i>"let's do it!"<\/i> and then both of them gave me a real thrill ride! <i><b>Wow! So fucking sexy, having my uncle and my cousin sucking on my cock and giving me the works.<\/b><\/i><\/p><p>After\r\n our first session, they told me that they started having sex together \r\nabout six years ago after Uncle Larry's third wife walked out on him. \r\nTimmy's Ma died when he was real young. After that third wife walked \r\nout, Uncle Larry gradually moved toward having Timmy help him get off, \r\nand Timmy liked it so much that they quickly advanced to full on sex, \r\nand have been happy as can be ever since.<\/p><p><b>I asked Uncle Larry if my Mama knew about this secret relationship, <i>and he told me that she did! <\/i><\/b><i>In\r\n fact he said, she thought I might be queer so she figured if she sent \r\nme out to see her brother, the truth would come out, and she told Larry \r\nthat it would be best for me to come right out and live my life, and \r\nstop pretending. <\/i><b>Wow! <\/b>I couldn't hardly get my mind wrapped around that! <i>My\r\n Mama sent me off to get sexed up by her brother and nephew! Hot shit! I\r\n knew my Mama was cool but I never knew she'd be this cool! <\/i>I asked \r\nUncle Larry if my Pops knew about it all. He said no. He said he'd like \r\nto get at my Pops and cousin Timmy said he wanted to get at my Pops too,\r\n real bad. And they hoped that once they got me out and active, maybe \r\nI'd be able to get Pops to join in the fun. <i>Fuck man! I'd always had the hots for my Pops but never imagined I could do anything about it.<\/i>\r\n Uncle Larry said he'd give me some sure fire pointers to use on Pops \r\nwhen I got back home. He said he was quite sure that Pops would be \r\nreceptive to getting more sex than his sister was giving him. <b><i>And he said, Mama was all in on that too! Holy fuck! Wow! What a shocker!<\/i><\/b><\/p><p>I'm here for two weeks, and then I go back home. I can hardly wait, <i>although I never want to have these daily orgies end! <b>Fuck man, cock sucking uncle and cousin doing me all the time! Wow! Fuck! Great!<\/b><\/i><\/p><\/div>","regular_post":{"id":25148,"post_id":29526,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311682_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311683_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311684_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311685_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311686_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311687_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311688_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311689_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311690_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311691_125.jpg\"]}","created_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","updated_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":511}},{"id":2298,"name":"father","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2298}},{"id":2299,"name":"son","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2299}},{"id":2700,"name":"uncle","created_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","updated_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2700}},{"id":2696,"name":"cousin","created_at":"2019-01-24 10:44:06","updated_at":"2019-01-24 10:44:06","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2696}},{"id":286,"name":"fuck","created_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","updated_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":286}},{"id":1067,"name":"suck","created_at":"2018-12-31 14:50:07","updated_at":"2018-12-31 14:50:07","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":1067}},{"id":100,"name":"cock","created_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":100}}]}} {"id":21187,"post_id":107219,"original_post_id":41869,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2019-10-11 20:48:40","updated_at":"2019-10-11 20:48:40","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":41869,"type":"regular","search_index":" incest, uncle, nephew, fuck, ass, cock","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2019-04-20 09:07:42","updated_at":"2019-04-20 09:07:42","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<div class="ng-scope">\r\n <div class="content ng-binding"><p>Written by and from: <a href="https:\/\/straighthell-stories.bdsmlr.com\/" target="_blank">Straighthell-stories<\/a><\/p><p><strong>Benjy was his nephew<\/strong> <em>- his older sister’s son<\/em>.\r\n Benjy was staying with him for a week while the boy’s parents were in \r\nEurope. He’d promised himself ahead of time that he was gonna leave the \r\nboy alone - he wasn’t gonna molest him. Benjy was his nephew and that \r\nwould be gross - <strong><em>fucking his sister’s son.<\/em><\/strong><\/p><p><strong>But dammit, the boy had a spectacular ass.<\/strong>\r\n Just the type of bubble-butt that really appealed to him. And from the \r\nvery moment the boy arrived, he flaunted it, too - he was wearing \r\nsuper-tight shorts that fit like a second-skin and left nothing to the \r\nimagination and Benjy seemed to be constantly wriggling his pretty \r\nlittle butt right in front of his uncle’s face. It was all he could do \r\nto keep from boning up every time he looked at Benjy’s hot booty. Not \r\nsurprisingly, he had a raging hard-on by the time he went to bed that \r\nfirst night and managed to pop off three loads just thinking of his \r\nnephew’s succulent ass.<\/p><p>And then, at about 4:00 a.m., \r\nto his complete shock, he was awakened by the movement of his nephew \r\ncrawling into bed with him. The boy was stark naked and had a hard \r\nboy-boner sticking straight out of his crotch. Before he was even fully \r\nawake, Benjy had snuggled up next to him, reached between his uncle’s \r\nlegs and grabbed hold of his Man-cock, which was once again straining in\r\n full erection. <em>“Hey, Unk,” the boy cooed in his ear, “I was kinda \r\nhoping you’d take this big piece of Man-meat and ram it up my little \r\nfuck-chute. I could really use a good fucking, right about now.”<\/em><\/p><p>Hearing\r\n that, the man lost it. In just seconds he had his engorged Man-cock \r\npounding in and out of his nephew’s boypussy, banging the shit out of \r\nthe teenager. And all the time he was doing this, his nephew was urging \r\nhim on, begging to be fucked harder and harder, squeezing his tight \r\nlittle butt-cheeks around his uncle’s inflamed organ, humping his own \r\nass back into his uncle’s crotch, trying to get every inch of Man-cock \r\ncrammed up his boytwat. The man came in a fiery orgasm, his cock \r\nerupting inside of his nephew’s clenching fuck-hole. And even as he shot\r\n off, he could hear his nephew squealing in pleasure as his boy-cock \r\nshot spurt after spurt of creamy spunk all over the two of them.<\/p><p><em><strong>Since that night, the two of them have been fucking like rabbits.<\/strong><\/em>\r\n Benjy has the most incredible ass he’s ever fucked. It’s amazingly \r\nsupple and pliant and Benjy knows how to work it so that it feels like \r\nhe’s actually mouthing his uncle’s cock with his pussy. And as for Benjy\r\n - well, that boy is the biggest cock-whore he’s ever met. <strong>He never seems to get enough dick. <\/strong>Ever. He’s an amazing kid.<\/p><p>Benjy’s\r\n parents return in two days, but already he and his nephew have made \r\narrangements to continue their new relationship. Benjy’s gonna be having\r\n trouble with math in school - a subject his uncle excelled in. So, of \r\ncourse, it only makes sense that Benjy’s uncle tutor his nephew as often\r\n as he can. And, from what Benjy says, he’s gonna need tutoring every \r\nday. Every day. And this is one tutorial the boy will never want to miss\r\n - and neither will his uncle.<\/p><\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n <span style="font-size: 10px; color: gray;"><\/span><span class="ng-scope"><\/span>","regular_post":{"id":34001,"post_id":41869,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1555772858_125.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1555772859_125.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1555772860_125.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1555772861_125.gif\"]}","created_at":"2019-04-20 09:07:42","updated_at":"2019-04-20 09:07:42","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":511}},{"id":2700,"name":"uncle","created_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","updated_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":2700}},{"id":2644,"name":"nephew","created_at":"2019-01-23 01:11:44","updated_at":"2019-01-23 01:11:44","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":2644}},{"id":286,"name":"fuck","created_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","updated_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":286}},{"id":179,"name":"ass","created_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":179}},{"id":100,"name":"cock","created_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":100}}]}} {"id":20528,"post_id":103816,"original_post_id":41869,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2019-09-27 11:27:36","updated_at":"2019-09-27 11:27:36","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":41869,"type":"regular","search_index":" incest, uncle, nephew, fuck, ass, cock","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2019-04-20 09:07:42","updated_at":"2019-04-20 09:07:42","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<div class="ng-scope">\r\n <div class="content ng-binding"><p>Written by and from: <a href="https:\/\/straighthell-stories.bdsmlr.com\/" target="_blank">Straighthell-stories<\/a><\/p><p><strong>Benjy was his nephew<\/strong> <em>- his older sister’s son<\/em>.\r\n Benjy was staying with him for a week while the boy’s parents were in \r\nEurope. He’d promised himself ahead of time that he was gonna leave the \r\nboy alone - he wasn’t gonna molest him. Benjy was his nephew and that \r\nwould be gross - <strong><em>fucking his sister’s son.<\/em><\/strong><\/p><p><strong>But dammit, the boy had a spectacular ass.<\/strong>\r\n Just the type of bubble-butt that really appealed to him. And from the \r\nvery moment the boy arrived, he flaunted it, too - he was wearing \r\nsuper-tight shorts that fit like a second-skin and left nothing to the \r\nimagination and Benjy seemed to be constantly wriggling his pretty \r\nlittle butt right in front of his uncle’s face. It was all he could do \r\nto keep from boning up every time he looked at Benjy’s hot booty. Not \r\nsurprisingly, he had a raging hard-on by the time he went to bed that \r\nfirst night and managed to pop off three loads just thinking of his \r\nnephew’s succulent ass.<\/p><p>And then, at about 4:00 a.m., \r\nto his complete shock, he was awakened by the movement of his nephew \r\ncrawling into bed with him. The boy was stark naked and had a hard \r\nboy-boner sticking straight out of his crotch. Before he was even fully \r\nawake, Benjy had snuggled up next to him, reached between his uncle’s \r\nlegs and grabbed hold of his Man-cock, which was once again straining in\r\n full erection. <em>“Hey, Unk,” the boy cooed in his ear, “I was kinda \r\nhoping you’d take this big piece of Man-meat and ram it up my little \r\nfuck-chute. I could really use a good fucking, right about now.”<\/em><\/p><p>Hearing\r\n that, the man lost it. In just seconds he had his engorged Man-cock \r\npounding in and out of his nephew’s boypussy, banging the shit out of \r\nthe teenager. And all the time he was doing this, his nephew was urging \r\nhim on, begging to be fucked harder and harder, squeezing his tight \r\nlittle butt-cheeks around his uncle’s inflamed organ, humping his own \r\nass back into his uncle’s crotch, trying to get every inch of Man-cock \r\ncrammed up his boytwat. The man came in a fiery orgasm, his cock \r\nerupting inside of his nephew’s clenching fuck-hole. And even as he shot\r\n off, he could hear his nephew squealing in pleasure as his boy-cock \r\nshot spurt after spurt of creamy spunk all over the two of them.<\/p><p><em><strong>Since that night, the two of them have been fucking like rabbits.<\/strong><\/em>\r\n Benjy has the most incredible ass he’s ever fucked. It’s amazingly \r\nsupple and pliant and Benjy knows how to work it so that it feels like \r\nhe’s actually mouthing his uncle’s cock with his pussy. And as for Benjy\r\n - well, that boy is the biggest cock-whore he’s ever met. <strong>He never seems to get enough dick. <\/strong>Ever. He’s an amazing kid.<\/p><p>Benjy’s\r\n parents return in two days, but already he and his nephew have made \r\narrangements to continue their new relationship. Benjy’s gonna be having\r\n trouble with math in school - a subject his uncle excelled in. So, of \r\ncourse, it only makes sense that Benjy’s uncle tutor his nephew as often\r\n as he can. And, from what Benjy says, he’s gonna need tutoring every \r\nday. Every day. And this is one tutorial the boy will never want to miss\r\n - and neither will his uncle.<\/p><\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n <span style="font-size: 10px; color: gray;"><\/span><span class="ng-scope"><\/span>","regular_post":{"id":34001,"post_id":41869,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1555772858_125.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1555772859_125.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1555772860_125.gif\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1555772861_125.gif\"]}","created_at":"2019-04-20 09:07:42","updated_at":"2019-04-20 09:07:42","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":511}},{"id":2700,"name":"uncle","created_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","updated_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":2700}},{"id":2644,"name":"nephew","created_at":"2019-01-23 01:11:44","updated_at":"2019-01-23 01:11:44","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":2644}},{"id":286,"name":"fuck","created_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","updated_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":286}},{"id":179,"name":"ass","created_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:34:03","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":179}},{"id":100,"name":"cock","created_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","pivot":{"post_id":41869,"tag_id":100}}]}} {"id":6216,"post_id":38753,"original_post_id":29526,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2019-04-13 16:14:11","updated_at":"2019-04-13 16:14:11","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":29526,"type":"regular","search_index":"incest #father #son #uncle #cousin #fuck #suck #cock","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","updated_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<div class="singlecommentline" id="p95465"> <p><b>Mama said her brother Larry wanted me to go out west and spend some time with him and my cousin Timmy.<\/b> She said it would be nice for me to get to know my cousin, and spend some quality time with my Uncle Larry. So I went.<\/p><p>They\r\n met me at the station and both of them were real excited to see me. I'd\r\n met them when I was lots younger but hadn't seen them for years.<\/p><p><b>Wow! What a shock I got!<\/b> <i>Before\r\n I even unpacked they both told me that they had something special and \r\nsecret for me and they hoped I'd like it. And then they told me that \r\nthey had sex with each other all the time and they wanted me to join \r\nthem. <\/i><b>Wow, was I shocked!<\/b> But whether they knew it or not, I was secretly a queer, so I got hot for it right away, and said <i>"let's do it!"<\/i> and then both of them gave me a real thrill ride! <i><b>Wow! So fucking sexy, having my uncle and my cousin sucking on my cock and giving me the works.<\/b><\/i><\/p><p>After\r\n our first session, they told me that they started having sex together \r\nabout six years ago after Uncle Larry's third wife walked out on him. \r\nTimmy's Ma died when he was real young. After that third wife walked \r\nout, Uncle Larry gradually moved toward having Timmy help him get off, \r\nand Timmy liked it so much that they quickly advanced to full on sex, \r\nand have been happy as can be ever since.<\/p><p><b>I asked Uncle Larry if my Mama knew about this secret relationship, <i>and he told me that she did! <\/i><\/b><i>In\r\n fact he said, she thought I might be queer so she figured if she sent \r\nme out to see her brother, the truth would come out, and she told Larry \r\nthat it would be best for me to come right out and live my life, and \r\nstop pretending. <\/i><b>Wow! <\/b>I couldn't hardly get my mind wrapped around that! <i>My\r\n Mama sent me off to get sexed up by her brother and nephew! Hot shit! I\r\n knew my Mama was cool but I never knew she'd be this cool! <\/i>I asked \r\nUncle Larry if my Pops knew about it all. He said no. He said he'd like \r\nto get at my Pops and cousin Timmy said he wanted to get at my Pops too,\r\n real bad. And they hoped that once they got me out and active, maybe \r\nI'd be able to get Pops to join in the fun. <i>Fuck man! I'd always had the hots for my Pops but never imagined I could do anything about it.<\/i>\r\n Uncle Larry said he'd give me some sure fire pointers to use on Pops \r\nwhen I got back home. He said he was quite sure that Pops would be \r\nreceptive to getting more sex than his sister was giving him. <b><i>And he said, Mama was all in on that too! Holy fuck! Wow! What a shocker!<\/i><\/b><\/p><p>I'm here for two weeks, and then I go back home. I can hardly wait, <i>although I never want to have these daily orgies end! <b>Fuck man, cock sucking uncle and cousin doing me all the time! Wow! Fuck! Great!<\/b><\/i><\/p><\/div>","regular_post":{"id":25148,"post_id":29526,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311682_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311683_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311684_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311685_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311686_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311687_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311688_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311689_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311690_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311691_125.jpg\"]}","created_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","updated_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":511}},{"id":2298,"name":"father","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2298}},{"id":2299,"name":"son","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2299}},{"id":2700,"name":"uncle","created_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","updated_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2700}},{"id":2696,"name":"cousin","created_at":"2019-01-24 10:44:06","updated_at":"2019-01-24 10:44:06","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2696}},{"id":286,"name":"fuck","created_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","updated_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":286}},{"id":1067,"name":"suck","created_at":"2018-12-31 14:50:07","updated_at":"2018-12-31 14:50:07","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":1067}},{"id":100,"name":"cock","created_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":100}}]}} {"id":3971,"post_id":29558,"original_post_id":29526,"type":"image","content":"{\"comment\":\"\"}","created_at":"2019-03-23 04:49:57","updated_at":"2019-03-23 04:49:57","deleted_at":null,"original_post":{"id":29526,"type":"regular","search_index":"incest #father #son #uncle #cousin #fuck #suck #cock","blog_id":141,"created_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","updated_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","deleted_at":null,"caption":"<div class="singlecommentline" id="p95465"> <p><b>Mama said her brother Larry wanted me to go out west and spend some time with him and my cousin Timmy.<\/b> She said it would be nice for me to get to know my cousin, and spend some quality time with my Uncle Larry. So I went.<\/p><p>They\r\n met me at the station and both of them were real excited to see me. I'd\r\n met them when I was lots younger but hadn't seen them for years.<\/p><p><b>Wow! What a shock I got!<\/b> <i>Before\r\n I even unpacked they both told me that they had something special and \r\nsecret for me and they hoped I'd like it. And then they told me that \r\nthey had sex with each other all the time and they wanted me to join \r\nthem. <\/i><b>Wow, was I shocked!<\/b> But whether they knew it or not, I was secretly a queer, so I got hot for it right away, and said <i>"let's do it!"<\/i> and then both of them gave me a real thrill ride! <i><b>Wow! So fucking sexy, having my uncle and my cousin sucking on my cock and giving me the works.<\/b><\/i><\/p><p>After\r\n our first session, they told me that they started having sex together \r\nabout six years ago after Uncle Larry's third wife walked out on him. \r\nTimmy's Ma died when he was real young. After that third wife walked \r\nout, Uncle Larry gradually moved toward having Timmy help him get off, \r\nand Timmy liked it so much that they quickly advanced to full on sex, \r\nand have been happy as can be ever since.<\/p><p><b>I asked Uncle Larry if my Mama knew about this secret relationship, <i>and he told me that she did! <\/i><\/b><i>In\r\n fact he said, she thought I might be queer so she figured if she sent \r\nme out to see her brother, the truth would come out, and she told Larry \r\nthat it would be best for me to come right out and live my life, and \r\nstop pretending. <\/i><b>Wow! <\/b>I couldn't hardly get my mind wrapped around that! <i>My\r\n Mama sent me off to get sexed up by her brother and nephew! Hot shit! I\r\n knew my Mama was cool but I never knew she'd be this cool! <\/i>I asked \r\nUncle Larry if my Pops knew about it all. He said no. He said he'd like \r\nto get at my Pops and cousin Timmy said he wanted to get at my Pops too,\r\n real bad. And they hoped that once they got me out and active, maybe \r\nI'd be able to get Pops to join in the fun. <i>Fuck man! I'd always had the hots for my Pops but never imagined I could do anything about it.<\/i>\r\n Uncle Larry said he'd give me some sure fire pointers to use on Pops \r\nwhen I got back home. He said he was quite sure that Pops would be \r\nreceptive to getting more sex than his sister was giving him. <b><i>And he said, Mama was all in on that too! Holy fuck! Wow! What a shocker!<\/i><\/b><\/p><p>I'm here for two weeks, and then I go back home. I can hardly wait, <i>although I never want to have these daily orgies end! <b>Fuck man, cock sucking uncle and cousin doing me all the time! Wow! Fuck! Great!<\/b><\/i><\/p><\/div>","regular_post":{"id":25148,"post_id":29526,"type":"image","content":"{\"files\":[\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311682_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311683_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311684_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311685_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311686_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311687_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311688_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311689_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311690_125.jpg\",\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/1553311691_125.jpg\"]}","created_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","updated_at":"2019-03-22 22:28:12","deleted_at":null},"blog":{"id":141,"user_id":125,"name":"default","config":"{\"title\":\"FckMe2Dad\",\"picture\":\"uploads\\\/pictures\\\/da92898d424f86907d82893ab21d0e0aFckMe2Dadavatar.jpg\",\"description\":\"Family Fun with Brothers, Uncles, Cousins........ Dad and Grandad too!\",\"customcss\":\"\"}","domain":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-18 06:59:42","author":{"id":125,"email":"fckme2dad@gmail.com","password":"$2y$10$iI6vYAOnF32SCBPbKUMiiep747Bc0aIDVyXCEPzQammT9.U5CbnNm","permissions":null,"activated":1,"activation_code":"","activated_at":null,"last_login":null,"persist_code":null,"reset_password_code":null,"first_name":null,"last_name":null,"created_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:38","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:33:53","username":"fckme2dad","remember_token":"dbSkVMypFzQLQzYOk97sfncuMnOQ22kv7tzjaV7hprXcjAki1bbpJAJhurlx"}},"tags":[{"id":511,"name":"INCEST","created_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","updated_at":"2018-12-20 18:59:21","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":511}},{"id":2298,"name":"father","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2298}},{"id":2299,"name":"son","created_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","updated_at":"2019-01-15 14:31:56","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2299}},{"id":2700,"name":"uncle","created_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","updated_at":"2019-01-24 11:11:02","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2700}},{"id":2696,"name":"cousin","created_at":"2019-01-24 10:44:06","updated_at":"2019-01-24 10:44:06","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":2696}},{"id":286,"name":"fuck","created_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","updated_at":"2018-12-18 20:00:47","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":286}},{"id":1067,"name":"suck","created_at":"2018-12-31 14:50:07","updated_at":"2018-12-31 14:50:07","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":1067}},{"id":100,"name":"cock","created_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","updated_at":"2018-12-17 14:15:06","pivot":{"post_id":29526,"tag_id":100}}]}}