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The bond with my sweetest STEPDAUGHTER....
It is a bond and a connection that can only be experiencied by a "daddy" and a "daughter". Though this type of relationship is not acceptable and even shunned by the majority, sometimes there are things you just cannot ignore or brush to the side. This now has evolved into two people so closely connected through a long time of the one party the STEPDAUGHTER growing up before my eyes and turning into a woman under my supervision and discipline and me as a daddy watching a daughter not blood but STEP that still had us creating a bond, friendship, mutual respect and ending in not but love and desire to become one solid union that would allow us to grow into a strong bond undeniable if anyone of us wanted to try and DENY IT. As me and her sit here in 2019 and her now a sexy beautiful woman at 28 she is now a wife and mother of three. She still knows her place and duties as it applies still today to our undeniable connection and bond. Our relationship is still growing strong and we still keep it a secret because still noone wants to be able to accept this type of relationship. I now a single man living two blocks away from my still number one desire and need Tara my stepdaughter. I can sit in my house being proud of my beautiful Tara and how i have taught her to accept her sexual needs and desires and do not deny them ever and always act on what those feelings are driving you to do at that moment. It has been a worldwind of excitement and pleasures with her and we are now moving into what i think should be titled our FUK IT STAGE as our desires and wants are growing to strong now to keep living two separate lives and denying the life we need and want to live moving forward. We are still moving forward in our seperate lives but preparing to eventually come together as one after we take care of some business and get us all prepared to take the criticisms and shunning that is going to come with all of this coming out in public.